Success Alert


I have a modal to dial friends, when the user clicks on dial, I call the onclick that makes the request for the controller.

I want to send a success message to the user, I have a div with display none and I want to make it visible when POST occurs.

However, with POST the page is reloaded and the div returns to display none without even the message.

 <div class="alert alert-success" role="alert" style="display:none;">
  Amigo marcado!</div>

function marcar(e){

          url: '/MarcarAmigo/MarcarAmigos/',
          type: "POST", 
          cache: false,
          data: {'publicacao': publicacao, 'amigos_marcados': amigos_marcados},
          success: function () {
            $(".alert").css("display", "block");
        });    }  
asked by anonymous 10.10.2018 / 19:45

2 answers


Oops, try to give a prevent defaults

function funcaoComAjax(e) {
   alert("SEM RELOAD");
<a href="" onclick="funcaoComAjax(event);">Clica</a>


I made a fiddle using jQuery (not mandatory) with the idea of the comment, put the prevent default on the form submit and make the ajax request with the form data link

10.10.2018 / 19:48

The example below shows your code showing the successful div running ajax successfully.

function marcar(e) {

    url: '/MarcarAmigo/MarcarAmigos/',
    type: "POST",
    cache: false,
    data: {
      'publicacao': publicacao,
      'amigos_marcados': amigos_marcados
    success: function() {
      //fadeIn() ou show() faz aparecer uma div oculta
<script src=""></script><!--Botãoparachamaroeventodafunçãoajax--><buttononclick="marcar()">Executar Ajax</button>

<!--Sua div de sucesso oculta-->
<div class="alert alert-success" role="alert" hidden>
   Amigo marcado!
17.10.2018 / 22:35