Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Result of JSON on a table

Good afternoon, And I put a search field, and once the search is done, a table with the found users pops up. The part of the query I was able to do, but now I'm not getting popular (actually I have no idea how does, I researched but anyway I...
asked by 12.11.2015 / 22:33

What does the crossDomain: false parameter in Ajax mean?

I'm implementing an image upload web app in Ajax and there is the crossDomain:false parameter in a finding example. What is the function of this parameter?     
asked by 19.07.2014 / 01:34

Good practices with XHR requests

I have the following question: When I make a request via AJAX and I want to "mount" the HTML based on data coming from a banco , it is wrong (in terms of "good practices") to already return HTML on itself requisition...
asked by 23.01.2015 / 14:20

Select2 with AJAX

For some reason my Select2 using AJAX to populate it is not working. When I put a debugger in the code, it does not enter the result: method and also does not return any errors. HTML: <input type="hidden" class="bigdrop select2-of...
asked by 25.02.2014 / 18:52

Get IMEI via Javascript

Is it possible, through a web page, to get the IMEI of the mobile phone of the user who uses javascript or something else?     
asked by 23.07.2017 / 02:31

Ajax request with pure Javascript (without APIs)

Generally, when we need to use Ajax requests using Javascript, we have handy APIs that help us with this (eg jQuery ). However, what would be the safest and cross-browser way to accomplish these requests (POST and GET) using pure Javasc...
asked by 30.01.2014 / 16:15

How to multiply uploaded files with Ajax?

I'm trying to upload multiple files using ajax and I came across the following problem, at first when I uploaded with just one file it would return me in php the array $_FILES with the name of my file, so I could move to my temp folder....
asked by 25.01.2016 / 18:39

Refresh page information without refreesh

I have already searched and did not find exactly what I want. My problem is this: I have a comment page that I wanted it to be updated with every change in the bank (this is for everyone who is currently logged in). I found some methods on...
asked by 22.12.2015 / 01:59

PHP, AJAX and jQuery

Hello. I have the following hierarchy of folders: Parent folder, with the following: file submit.php, with the following code: <?php ini_set('display_errors',1); ini_set('display_startup_erros',1); error_reporting(E_ALL); include("libs...
asked by 11.12.2014 / 23:39

Transferring JSON to CodeIgniter via AJAX

I'm not able to pass a string in the format JSON to a controller of CodeIgniter via AJAX. The string JSON: var avaliacao= {"avaliacao":[{"pergunta":"Qual sua idade?"}[{"resposta_certa":"99","resposta_err1":"11","resposta_err2"...
asked by 11.02.2014 / 19:56