Questions tagged as 'ajax'


How to use AJAX with Laravel?

I have a select that when I change the value it should reorder a list, eg by id, name, etc. without Laravel I would use a onchange function and pass the sort order to a PHP page that would print this list sorted for me ... But how to d...
asked by 06.02.2014 / 11:35

File Upload Multiple via aJax - PHP

I'm trying to upload files via ajax and PHP with the following codes below and it's not working. I can not identify what I'm doing wrong. Page <div id="bsUpload"> <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">...
asked by 21.01.2015 / 19:36

Dropdown-menu Bootstrap with PHP

I'm trying to send a data to a PHP page with AJAX, but I can not figure out how to make it work, I'll explain what I have so far! The dropdown menu has the following code: <div class="btn-group"> <button class="btn btn-danger btn-...
asked by 31.01.2015 / 04:16

How does pagination done with PHP + AJAX?

I was browsing through the site looking for a functional example of pagination with AJAX + PHP, when I found this example Sorry for my ignorance, but the 'asynchronous loading' of AJAX causes me doubts .. However, I had a question: In th...
asked by 20.01.2016 / 15:52

Output in json with json_encode ()

   json_encode () - Returns the JSON representation of a value If I do: $foo = array('a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'); echo json_encode($foo); I'll get: ["a","b","c","d","e"] So far so good, I'm getting an array and turning it into a json...
asked by 10.11.2015 / 16:18

How ajax does to identify classes

I have the following application: function atualizarPrdutos(categoria){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "teste.aspx/InsertData", data: JSON.stringify({categoria:categoria }),...
asked by 30.05.2014 / 14:04

Create inputs for images dynamically and switch to Servlet without redirecting page?

I would like to create a button that causes a input to appear for sending images. This button can be used multiple times. When the user clicks the submit button, those images must be sent to the server without reloading the page....
asked by 05.04.2016 / 23:39

Enable CORS via JavaScript (Phonegap)

I'm creating a Phonegap application that consumes a Web Service (Web Service) API, and I need to access an external domain. Searching through the web I found that I had to enable CORS via JavaScript to be able to access other domains. In this wa...
asked by 24.02.2015 / 20:41

How to consume a JSON url without using jQuery

How could I do to consume a URL with data coming from a JSON without using libraries like jQuery or something like this for a structure of type: [{chave:valor1},{chave:valor2}]     
asked by 25.11.2015 / 17:09

Google AdWords conversion tag

Creating a campaign on google adwords ** has the part that needs to validate clicks if they have been taken. In "Conversion Actions" tools you create that script, which says the following that should put in your page of success. Okay, cool...
asked by 21.11.2016 / 14:46