Questions tagged as 'ajax'


Edit html + php + jquery items

I have to edit a record series, they are listed in a table (see): Hereistheimageformabove:<divclass="control-group"> <table class="table table-bordered "> <thead> <...
asked by 29.09.2016 / 16:26

E-mail evaluation

I have a problem analyzing email in a form of register, what I would like to do is that once the user enters his email in the email field, the site already evaluates the email in the database to know if he is available to register....
asked by 20.04.2016 / 17:48

Validate field with ajax and php

I have a simple form, to validate if a name and email exist. function valida_nome(){ var filter_nome = /^([a-zA-Zà-úÀ-Ú0-9]|\s)+$/ ; if(!filter_nome.test(document.getElementById("input_nome_cad").value)){ document.getElementById("i...
asked by 06.06.2016 / 23:52

Send form data by Ajax in MVC project

To begin with, I'll give you a little example of the system for you, my directory structure is as follows: >leganto(raiz) ---> controller -------> ControllerGlobal.php -------> OutrosControllesDeObjetos ---> model -------> M...
asked by 07.04.2016 / 20:24

How to check if the connection dropped before sending a data via ajax?

var erroEnvio = false; //global $(".proxima-questao").on("click",function(){ $(".loading").show(); $.ajax({ url: urlBase+"123123123/adasdasdasdas", type: "POST", data: $("#form").serialize(), success:funct...
asked by 29.04.2016 / 20:16

problem with "inspect element"

Friends; I'm developing an application and I have a manager where the database records are ready. The information is arranged in a table and I have a checkbox for selection of records that can be edited or deleted. This way: <input name=...
asked by 14.04.2016 / 00:58

Pass GET parameter through AJAX to activate page

I need to do the redirect after doing some commands in php I need to load an ajax. The link you submit to PHP: href="ajax/deletaPessoaVinculo.php?a=1&c=MEMBR&pb=3&p=vinculo.php?c=MEMBR" After this I get in the php of the dele...
asked by 19.01.2016 / 18:49

Display error in jquery mobile table

Hello, I'm trying to display some data that I get by ajax and put them in a responsive table using the Jquery Mobile framework. The problem is that the first time I do the operation, it works normally, but already the second time, some elemen...
asked by 31.05.2016 / 09:46

Uploading PHP and Ajax Images send file path to Input

I'm using an image upload system that I found on the internet, it's great! In addition to uploading the images, it scales and eases the work of those who use them. The question is as follows: I have a form with some inputs , these mu...
asked by 08.01.2016 / 02:17

JSON return for PHP with Ajax

I'm trying to pass a JSON (result of a Google Place API) with Ajax to PHP. I think my problem is in PHP when it comes to manipulating the data, it follows a part of the code: AJAX: //GRAVA TODO O RETORNO NO BANCO......
asked by 06.02.2016 / 13:11