Display error in jquery mobile table


Hello, I'm trying to display some data that I get by ajax and put them in a responsive table using the Jquery Mobile framework.

The problem is that the first time I do the operation, it works normally, but already the second time, some elements appear different. Detail: on large screens it works, however the development is geared towards mobile.

(field names only illustrative)

Following html table:

<table data-role="table" data-mode="columntoggle" class="ui-responsive ui-shadow" id="myTable">
      <th data-priority="1">campo1</th>
      <th data-priority="1">campo2</th>
      <th data-priority="1">campo3</th>
      <th data-priority="1">campo4</th>
      <th data-priority="2">campo5</th>
      <th data-priority="2">campo6</th>
      <th data-priority="2">campo7</th>
      <th data-priority="2">campo8</th>
  <tbody id="tb_detail">


Follow js code:

function buildTableDetail(p_sts,p_ar){

       data: {p1:p_ar,
       beforeSend: function(){



         for (i = 0; i < data.dados.length; i++) { 
             $('#tb_detail').append('<tr> <td>'+data.dados[i].campo1+


         $('#pg_alvo').bind('pageinit', function () {


     .fail(function(data, textStatus, errorThrown){
        alert("Erro na operação.");


Print the first and second time:

** Note that the second one is already showing the other fields without my asking, and also shows a black block instead of the column title

How could I arrange this to always appear correctly (as in the first screen)


Just to better explain, the problem is not in pulling and showing the data. This I can do. The problem is in the wrong operation of the table with columntoggle, which does not hide the columns and data it should hide, even though the ui-table-cell-hidden class is enabled.

asked by anonymous 31.05.2016 / 09:46

1 answer


I made a simplified fiddle with what you show and with your help I could see what the problem is:

fiddle link

It seems that there is an incompatibility between jquery and jquery mobile versions. For version 1.4.5 you should use jQuery from 1.8 to 1.11 or 2.1.

31.05.2016 / 10:04