Questions tagged as 'ad'


PHP Return AD user

I have the following query, which searches for the full name of the AD registered user: <?php //Conexao com AD $ldapconfig['host']= ''; //AD-001 $ldapconfig['port']= '389'; //Porta Padrão $ldapconfig['dn'] = ""; $domain= 'pec...
asked by 11.04.2018 / 16:42

What is RootDSE

The manager of my company, handed me a file saying very little about "rootDSE", and told me that it is a way to integrate LDAP with programming languages. I've never heard of it that way, and I do not find material necessary to understand if it'...
asked by 15.01.2015 / 11:30

PHP 7 - User logged in (AD) and machine name

I've already researched Stackoverflow En and , google and only found things like getenv() , $_SERVER['user'] , shell_exec() or anything that returns me data Web server, no user logged into the system. Another solution, no...
asked by 03.08.2017 / 21:58

Java + Active Directory - Single Sign On

I was asked to do SSO for a web application in Java. The idea is that through computer information, the application checks in the AD and according to the user's OU it has access to certain application modules. I've already researched t...
asked by 25.01.2017 / 20:19

PHP x Proxy Authentication

I have a network with proxy authentication which I do not have access to the settings and a system in the internal network via PHP. The users and passwords of the PHP system are the same as those of AD and PROXY, but would like that when send...
asked by 16.09.2014 / 15:25

Help between two different Adwords campaigns

I have two online stores with two different adwords accounts. I wanted to do an Adwords campaign in which the two online stores were always to appear on the top (so far easy) and arrange a way that from hour to hour the ad that appears in 1st p...
asked by 23.06.2017 / 19:18

How to register users on a PHP page and save in Windows AD?

I created a user registration form in PHP and I want to save it in Active Directory, how can I do this integration? Thank you.     
asked by 18.04.2017 / 17:38

flow to login with web api with AD users returning token by profile [closed]

We are putting together an Api for our internal systems, we enter into a paradigm of the best way to create a login of users validated by AD returning token with profile being the Profile the group that the user is in AD, we are trying to draw t...
asked by 26.08.2015 / 22:57

Apple can not see my Ad

I submitted my app for review, but they say they can not find my Ad:    Your submitted IAP indicates that your app serves advertisements.   However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.       Please reply to this message to provide the...
asked by 06.02.2015 / 21:41

AdMob for Desktop Similar?

Is there? I want to make a free program but would like to have an ad in specific places of it. And charge the license to remove this, as it works in apps today. Unfortunately Google (as far as I've found it) does not allow it to use its sy...
asked by 13.12.2018 / 21:53