Apple can not see my Ad


I submitted my app for review, but they say they can not find my Ad:


Your submitted IAP indicates that your app serves advertisements.   However, we were unable to locate ads in your app.


Please reply to this message to provide the steps for locating ads in   your app. When we hear back from you, we will continue the review.


Since your iTunes Connect Application is Metadata Rejected, we   do NOT require a new binary. To review the metadata, visit iTunes   Connect to select your app and check the desired metadata values.   Once you've completed all changes, click the "Submit for Review"   button at the top of the App Details page.

It turns out that Ad is on the first page, well located and during testing on virtual appliances and on my iPod I can see the ad, with those apple defaults. Did I forget some configuration? Anyone have any tips?

asked by anonymous 06.02.2015 / 21:41

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