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When and why should I use Class T class classes in Java?

When I see that a class gets it, I find it scary.     
asked on 04.02.2016 / 18:31

What is the iterative (non-recursive) version of the LCA (Lower Common Ancestor)

In Theory of Graphs, there is a concept called LCA Lower Ancestor - Ancestral ), where given a pair of nodes from a tree, one must find the nearest "parent" (ancestor) of these two nodes. An example tree is: IdidarecursiveJavaimplement...
asked on 27.12.2013 / 19:23

Using $ _REQUEST instead of $ _GET, $ _POST, and $ _COOKIE

In PHP we have the global variable $_REQUEST that can be used instead of use the global variables $_GET , $_POST and $_COOKIE . For example: <?php // utilizar $bubu = $_REQUEST['bubu']; // ou uma das...
asked on 16.10.2014 / 12:43

In HTML5 should nulls be enclosed with "" or with "/"?

In HTML 5, there is a series of null elements, which according to # and data examples (English) by W3C, they are closed using only > : Null Elements area, base, br, col, embed, hr, img, input, keygen, link, menuitem, meta, pa...
asked on 05.01.2014 / 20:55

Is it possible to use SQLite as a client-server?

Is there any technique or tool to use SQLite using a Client-Server architecture instead of local access? Of course you would need a client library to communicate with the server. And a server application to handle these connections and acce...
asked on 24.01.2014 / 01:30

How to create real Permissions instead of simple Roles in Spring Security?

I'm developing an Access Control module for my web application using Spring Security (3.1.4 - the latest release ) and ran into a limitation on the Authorization , because the framework only provides for the use of Roles (roles), which mean...
asked on 12.12.2013 / 13:20

Why can not I declare an attribute using the keyword var?

The var keyword allows me to declare typed variables, and allows the variables to be defined implicitly. Example: var i = 10; The compiler will assume that my variable i is integer type int . So, why does not...
asked on 11.02.2016 / 00:34

In programming, what is an object?

In programming, it is common to hear the term objeto , often defined in multiple vague definitions, if defined. What is, in fact, an object in programming (not limited to object-oriented programming)?     
asked on 17.05.2017 / 22:22

What is a boundary (b) in a regular expression?

A long time ago, I took a look at using boundary , studying about regular expressions in PHP (PCRE Patterns). I came across the \b (which is called boundary). How useful is it in a regular expression?     
asked on 30.01.2016 / 20:12

What is fuzzy logic?

Studying about artificial intelligence, I observed a lot of the term fuzzy logic, or fuzzy logic . What is this fuzzy logic and what are its applications? I know it's different from Boolean logic, but what's different about the two logics?    ...
asked on 10.09.2016 / 16:01