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Empty semicolon no error?

I was working on a project and unintentionally ran into the semicolon that ended up being inserted well after a if . I was intrigued because Visual Studio did not point as an error, and when trying to compile the project I was successful....
asked on 08.12.2015 / 18:33

What is JSON? What is it for and how does it work?

I often come across this JSON but I do not know what it's for and how it works.     
asked on 04.02.2014 / 13:50

How to document codes in SQL?

When I write code in R, the correct way to document is in the code itself, in the form of comments started with a special mark #' . #' Add together two numbers. #' #' @param x A number. #' @param y A number. #' @return The sum of \code{...
asked on 19.12.2016 / 13:10

How to remove the borders of a JFrame?

I'd like to remove the borders of a JFrame . I used setUndecorated(true) , however it completely removes and I would like to just leave the title bar of JFrame .     
asked on 29.07.2015 / 23:01

How to delete a variable in JavaScript?

I'm programming in other languages, so I'm still starting with JavaScript. I was testing mgibsonbr response code to this question and found a difficulty that may be trivial. If I set var x = 0 to the global environment then how do I...
asked on 28.04.2014 / 17:14

How to send e-mail from localhost using the PHP mail function?

I want to send emails from localhost. <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> </head> <body> <h1> Olá mundo!</h1> <?php $enviar = mail( "[email protected]", "nada não", "teste somente"); ?> &...
asked on 18.11.2014 / 09:43

Is it possible to have month 13 on a date in Java?

I was looking at the documentation for class Formatter of Java 7, on this link of Oracle itself , when I noticed the following example below: What intrigued me was the example given for the month formatting option, m : which...
asked on 23.04.2015 / 21:08

Is the SQL language object-oriented?

Is the SQL language object-oriented? If so, could you show an example?     
asked on 24.07.2017 / 13:12

What is the difference and what are the & & & & e | and || in Java?

I was analyzing some possibilities for the implementation of an algorithm and I went to search for this type of & and | , and I read some topics in English but it was not 100% clear to me what it is and where I can use it, it. T...
asked on 04.05.2015 / 20:48

How to make a table responsive using (Twitter) Bootstrap?

I'm working on a web application using Ruby On Rails 4 and much of the interface consists of tables. I would like you to suggest a way to detect the size of the screen in use and, based on this, hide certain columns from each table.     
asked on 11.12.2013 / 17:16