All Questions


What is the difference between ISNULL and COALESCE in a search?

I'm not sure how to use ISNULL and COALESCE . Currently when I create a query in SQL Server, I have doubts about ISNULL and COALESCE , I did some research and I was able to discover the difference of both. Only tha...
asked on 25.03.2015 / 15:56

What is the signature of a method?

A signature of the common method / function or constructor is made up of its name + number of parameters + type of parameters?     
asked on 10.11.2014 / 11:34

What is the correct way to simulate a script with a new language?

Suppose I have implemented a new language and have a functional interpreter written in javascript. Something like mylang.interpret(code_as_string) . Now I would like to create an interface where I can insert my language code into <scrip...
asked on 11.02.2014 / 20:48

How can -1 be greater than 4?

How can this code run this way ? #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { printf("tamanho de um inteiro: %d\n", sizeof(int)); if(sizeof(int) > -1) { printf("4 é maior que -1"); } else { printf("-1 é maior que...
asked on 21.01.2015 / 13:40

What is the meaning of branch, tag, and trunk?

What do they mean and what are the best practices for using them?     
asked on 11.06.2014 / 19:52

How to create a real-time notification system similar to Stack Overflow?

I am developing a Help Desk system, and would like some ideas on how to create a notification system similar to Stack Overflow itself, whenever any new support is registered. I want to use PHP, MySQL and jQuery only. Should I use window...
asked on 16.03.2014 / 20:21

What is the difference between endpoint and API?

I've always used endpoint and API as synonyms. Today I discovered that they do not mean the same thing, although they are related. After all, what's the difference between these two?     
asked on 11.09.2015 / 15:18

What is the semantic difference between em and strong? Do they replace i and b?

They say that the element <em> should be used for emphasis, and the <strong> for even more intense emphases. That seems pretty confusing. When and why to use each one? And <i> and <b> , should t...
asked on 12.09.2014 / 14:46

How do namespaces work in C #?

I'm studying C # and I came across namespaces . How does it work and when is it applied? If possible, some basic example.     
asked on 01.04.2014 / 01:17

How to decrypt MD5?

If I have the following code $senha = md5("senha") and I send it to the $senha database, it should be possible to retrieve this MD5 in the database and show "password" back on an information update form, / p> Is this possi...
asked on 23.11.2014 / 04:33