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Hide default component [arrow] form select in IE

I have a problem here in IE. I'm styling the select component of the form, hiding the arrow that comes by default from the browser to load an image in place of the form. In FF and Chrome it was quiet, but IE is displaying the default arrow...
asked on 25.02.2015 / 16:10

How to get information from shares on facebook with R?

I'd like to know how I can get information about sharing posts on Facebook, such as name and id of users, and share date and time. In the RFacebook package, you can get the same information but refer to tastings and comments, not shares....
asked on 25.12.2015 / 23:56

How to adapt my code to Android 4.1?

I'm making an application using Materialize. But there is a mistake. The MENU is to work as in the second image. It is hidden with TranslateX(-100%) . And when I click on the MENU icon it opens the MENU. But when I open the applicati...
asked on 22.11.2016 / 12:14

How to avoid HTML injection and XSS in .JSP pages?

No PHP I have seen uses of htmlspecialchars and mysqli . But in Java is there any way to avoid XSS and HTML injection? I'd also like to know what would be the best (safest) way: Escaping the elements ( HTML , Java...
asked on 17.04.2015 / 18:42

Create a resizable window

Hello, I've been able to create a console window that does not show the scroll bars: CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; int columns, rows; COORD size; COORD BufSize; while(TRUE) { size = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_H...
asked on 17.07.2018 / 13:22

Left Join or Not Exists

I needed to retrieve information that was in one table, but not in another. Searching found that NOT EXISTS would serve this purpose, but I saw that the Left Join has the same result: NOT EXISTS select pedido from logintegracao as A where...
asked on 09.12.2015 / 19:11

Why does an internal alignment of a button button differ from a link a, even using the same class?

Well, I created a class called .btn , where I wanted to use it for both button and a . So I forced some things in this class to reset the original style of both button and a . For example, in a I removed...
asked on 01.08.2018 / 14:48

How to remove accent in upload with php?

Part of the file is working. The problem is that when I send a file with accent. Example: I send a file with the name ação-íaaa.jpg so it stays on the ação-íaaa.jpg server. So I wanted to remove the accents to stay like this...
asked on 18.09.2014 / 18:39

Failed propType: Invalid prop 'children' supplied to 'Router'

I created a project to study react and I'm trying to uncouple my Header from the app by creating a component for it. I created a Header.jsx file and passed the code there but I am getting the following error:    Failed propType: Invali...
asked on 06.01.2016 / 17:46

What is an event?

Much is heard about events: Shoot events; Schedule events; Trigger events ... Although much is found on the internet, none brings a concrete definition of what a programming event really is. So what is a programming event for what the...
asked on 25.05.2017 / 21:25