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View PDF in HTML page

I wonder if you can view the PDF in an HTML page. I do not want a link to open the PDF Or do I have to switch from PDF to an image?     
asked on 19.01.2015 / 16:28

What is the difference between architecture and software engineering?

Software architecture Software engineering Apparently these two concepts are related, but what's the difference between them?     
asked on 15.07.2014 / 13:04

Difference between Visual Studio Community, Enterprise and Code

Intending to learn how to program C # and .NET for the web, and I came across a situation when I downloaded Visual Studio . I'm not sure exactly which version of the download should do. What is the real difference between editions?     
asked on 11.09.2016 / 22:06

innerHTML VS innerTEXT

What's the difference between using innerHTML and innerText in Javascript? If I want to change the content of TEXT_NODE , which one should I use? For example: <p id="p1">I also wrote a book! Read it <a href="http://eloquentja...
asked on 17.09.2018 / 02:43

What is the name of this structure in Python?

In the following code: first_part = 46 last_part = 57 guess = f'{first_part}{last_part}'.encode() print(guess) print(type(guess)) But I did not understand the code snippet: guess = f'{first_part}{last_part}'.encode() I need an explana...
asked on 27.09.2018 / 15:20

Why use regions in C #?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using #regions in C# ? Does your use really make it easier to organize your code? #region /* Código */ #endregion     
asked on 17.03.2014 / 19:52

What is, and how does it work, an ETag

I've been making socket requests for my Apache server in order to create a Framework prototype, and for each different file that was accessed, it returned an ETag in the header . What is an ETag serving? How can I find the ETag of a f...
asked on 28.06.2016 / 02:54

Search for an expression in several elements of a list

Guys, I have a problem. I have 200 spreadsheets with some data from a search, and I'm importing it into R, and because they have different columns, I assign each element in my list a different spreadsheet. I need to look up a name that can be in...
asked on 17.09.2018 / 22:15

How is a REGEX Javascript for Tracking Code Posts (AZ123456789AZ)

I need a Regex for the default A-Z 1-9 A-Z validating AZ123456789AZ I've tried /^[[A-Z]{2}[1-9]{9}[A-Z]{2}]/$     
asked on 20.09.2018 / 20:06

Disconnecting case sensitive in Postgres

When I do the command select * from tabela where name like '%teste%' the line with the name TesTe returns, but the same does not happen in postgres, I do not want to put lower(name) to work, how can I disable case sensitive i...
asked on 28.05.2017 / 22:54