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How does "free ()" know how much memory it has to release?

When we use malloc() we say how many bytes we need. But in free() we do not say. How does he know how much needs to be released?     
asked on 18.01.2017 / 11:48

How does the switch work under the rags?

Viewing these comments about using switch is in doubt as to how it works even and why it is different from if when only buying by equality of a single variable against a sequence of values. p> How is this compiled? Should it...
asked on 11.01.2017 / 12:20

Can apache rewrite to external url?

I have an application running in local . At the same time I have the application that is already running in production - namely a social network. I have photos of many users on this system that are in production, but since it is not fea...
asked on 18.09.2015 / 13:46

What is User Agent StyleSheets?

Studying on CSS I came across the term User Agent , or standard style sheets used by browsers in the absence of style sheets. What is the User Agent ? Each browser has a User Agent ? Is there any way to ignore them, if so how? def...
asked on 17.11.2016 / 11:39

Binary Search Tree vs Ordered List

Consider an unbalanced binary search tree and an ordered vector list. Which of the two structures is best suited to search for any element.     
asked on 14.12.2016 / 03:24

How is a program loaded into memory and then executed?

Imagine that I wrote a "hello world" in C language. I compiled and generated an executable, then executed it. The result of the compilation is a binary, which in fact is also a set of instructions that will be executed by the processor, corre...
asked on 02.06.2017 / 00:48

Estimate the distribution of Poisson - R

I have grafo and I calculated the distribution of grades and grade as follows: dd <- degree_distribution(graph) d <- degree(graph) From this, I estimated the Power Law , to see if my distribution follows the "Power law"...
asked on 26.08.2017 / 18:48

What is payload?

I have always seen in some frameworks that work with REST or with sending data in JSON format in a request the use of the expression payload . What does this name mean in HTTP requests? What specifically is a payload ? Is a body of...
asked on 07.03.2017 / 17:48

How does library import work in JavaScript?

In programming languages such as Java, C # and C, when we want to use some command or function we must include the library where it contains the commands we want or the classes if it is an object oriented language, see examples: Class Scann...
asked on 08.05.2016 / 22:43

Is creating local variables all the time generating extra cost for the software?

I made a program that it writes to variables all the time, and with that I got a doubt, instantiating a variable all the time generates more cost than just assigning the value to an existing variable? Examples: Instantiating a variable all...
asked on 30.07.2017 / 14:16