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How to raise a number to a power without using the math.h library?

How can I raise a number to a power without using the math.h library? Example: potencia = x ^ 1/2; How do I do this in C ++?     
asked on 11.02.2014 / 16:03

Doubt javascript function t (n, t, i, r)

I often see the source code of the pages and never understood that. function dt(n,t,i,r) What do these letters mean?     
asked on 05.01.2017 / 09:06

What is and what is the Target Framework server for?

I worked for some time with .NET and was asked about the target framework of my projects. I understand what it is for but I did not know how to explain it in a simple and clear way exactly what it is.     
asked on 08.08.2017 / 16:14

How to create space before or at the end of the text contained between html tags?

I need to put a space before a text that is between tags html , what is the correct way to do it? No css ... div{float:left;} <div>Texto 1</div><div> texto que quero um espaço antes</div>     
asked on 17.01.2017 / 19:48

How can I not allow numbers in a textbox?

Well folks, I'm trying to validate but have not yet succeeded. I want to do a function that does not let me enter numbers in a textbox . Here's an example of how I do it today. $(document).ready(function () { $('#nome_contacto')....
asked on 05.01.2016 / 00:36

How to use the jsondiffpatch library?

I'm having second thoughts about manipulating the data with the jsondiffpatch library The original array : [ {"id":1004,"idproduto":3,"forma":"Alface","preco":1,"quantidade":1}, {"id":1000,"idproduto":3,"forma":"Bacon","preco":2,"qu...
asked on 05.03.2015 / 18:02

What is a Kiddie Script?

I saw this term in a movie, Who Am I , and basically what I understood is an attribution to the famous ctrl c + ctrl v . To better specify, what actions make a person be considered a script kiddie ? Is script kiddie hated...
asked on 22.04.2016 / 14:48

Using line break "\ n" in Java

What problem can a Java programmer have when using "\n" to skip line? Note: I have already used it for N reasons, writing a file TXT and others.     
asked on 26.02.2014 / 19:03

Problems with pip installation (python package manager)

I use Mac OS and use HomeBrew as the package manager. I installed python 2.7.10 . Along with this installation was to have occurred with pip . However the following problem occurs: ==> /usr/local/Cellar/python/2.7.10/bin/...
asked on 06.06.2015 / 15:44
answer MVC adding application name in URL

I have a domain on a shared server and inside it I have some subfolders that are set up as applications in IIS 7. Within the main domain I have created subdomains that redirect to applications / folders. Ex: subdomai...
asked on 21.01.2014 / 18:38