In what table and field are the images registered by WP in the posts? [pending]


We are reformulating a system that was developed by WP, however we need to get some images that were registered inside the posts only that we are not finding these images in the tables. For example:

You have a post that has an image with the following directory:

<img src=""width="150" height="150" style="border:3px solid #ccc" alt="036[1]">

We need to get this image, but which table is it on? The new NO system is being developed with WP. I am not referring to the directory, but to the table / field where it was registered with the Post.

asked by anonymous 05.09.2017 / 15:24

1 answer


I found a solution that might help you, here's a passage:

The highlighted images are saved in the postmeta table with meta_key _wp_attached_file and related to meta_key of _thumbnail_id

The images inside the post have the name saved in the posts table together with the content in post_content

Here's the link to check out the complete answer: Where is the path of the images of posts in Wordpress stored?

05.09.2017 / 15:39