I can not use onkeydown with precision


I have the following fields:



<inputtype="number" class="form-control desc_prc" id="Tot_desc_prc" desconto='tot_liquido' placeholder="%" onkeydown="DescontoPorcentagem()" step="00.00" min="0.00">

      <input type="number" class="form-control desc_vlr" id="Tot_desc_vlr" desconto='tot_liquido' placeholder="R$" onkeydown="DescontoReal()" step="00.00" min="0.00">

     function DescontoPorcentagem() {
                var bruto = $("#tot_bruto").val();
                var porcentagem = $("#Tot_desc_prc").val();
                var real = $("#Tot_desc_vlr").val();
                var total;
                total = parseFloat((parseFloat(porcentagem) / 100) * parseFloat(bruto));

                total = parseFloat(bruto) - parseFloat(total);

            function DescontoReal() {
                var bruto = $("#tot_bruto").val();
                var porcentagem = $("#Tot_desc_prc").val();
                var real = $("#Tot_desc_vlr").val();
                var total;
                total = parseFloat(bruto) - parseFloat(real)
                total = (real / bruto) * 100
asked by anonymous 05.09.2017 / 14:57

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