I have a question on how I could concatenate the email column, as per the query below:
select * from orcam INNER JOIN ccusto as a ON orcam.Ccusto = a.Ccusto INNER JOIN grupo_email b on a.Ccusto
COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = b.cc INNER JOIN grupo_resp c ON b.resp = c.id where orcam.Ccusto=0151 and anomes=201709
What brings me the information:
Ccusto | Grupo | Anomes | Ccusto | cc | resp | id | email
0151 0452 201709 0151 0151 1 1 [email protected]
0151 0452 201709 0151 0151 1 2 [email protected]
I am associating the cc
column according to the Cost column. In this way, it brings me all those responsible for CCusto
The problem is that it is repeating to the same group for each email. What I'm trying to do, is the output below
Ccusto | Grupo | Anomes | Ccusto | cc | email
0151 0452 201709 0151 0151 [email protected];[email protected]
Note that it did not repeat Grupo
and concatenated email02 after the first email.
The idea here is to concatenate all emails responsible for Ccusto
0151 for each group on the same line.
Thank you guys!