Fill combobox via JQuery


I have the following combobox html:

<div class="form-group col-lg-6 row">
   {{ Form::select( 'state',array( 0 => '' ),null, array( 'class' => 'form-control', 'data-placeholder' => 'State','id' => 'state' ) ) }}

I would like to populate it with Bootstrap + Chosen with the following jquery block:

$(document).ready( function () {
            var token = $('#token').val();
            var estados = $('#state');

                url : './estados',
                dataType : 'json',
                type : 'post',
                data : {
                    _token : token
                success : function ( data ) {

                    estados.append( $('<option>').val( 0 ).text( '' ));
                    //console.log( data );
                    $.each(data, function (i, j) {
                        console.log( j.descricao );
                        var option  = $('<option>').val( j.sigla ).text( j.descricao ) ;
                        estados.append( option );

But nothing happens. Since console.log shows the data normally.

In direct PHP I get popular, but I would use it in laravel.

asked by anonymous 09.11.2017 / 21:34

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