chrome update Crashou Css


I have a problem in the css of my web application. I started working in this company a few weeks ago as a trainee and I'm having to solve some bugs that have appeared, mainly related to google chrome. It turns out that after the update of 10/12 approximately, our application started to present some bugs.

We work with a table and within that table there are tables with tasks. Here's how it works and how it should work.





<trdata-bind="attr:{id: sequencial}" id="2093" class ="selectable">
    <td class ="historia" style="height:1px">
      <div class="colapsada" style="display:none;">
      <div class="expandida">
        <div class="historiaLayout">
          <span id=""></span>
      <!-- ko foreach: {data: $root.fases, as : 'fase'} -->      
   <td data-bind="css : 'fase-' + id" class="fase-7">
     <div class="colapsada"></div>
     <div class="expandida tarefaExpandida">
       <div class="nomeFase fase">
                        <span class="tamanhoVariavel sh-tooltip" data-bind="text: titulo, attr: {'aria-label': titulo}" aria-label="A Fazer">A Fazer</span>
    .tabelaQT tbody tr td {
    border-right: 1px #ccc solid;
    height: 100%;
.tarefaExpandida {
    margin: 5px;
    overflow: auto;
    height: 100%;


asked by anonymous 22.12.2017 / 15:33

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