Problem with pagination in asp mvc


I'm having trouble showing one question at a time, I could not find an example of jquery with asp mvc for this problem.

This is my View where I show the data to the user, but with Foreach it takes all the data but I wanted to know how do I show data given one at a time, every time the user presses send it picks up a new question.

    @foreach (var item in Model)

    @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => item.descricaoQuestao)


My controller

 public ActionResult PaginaQuestao(int dllMateria , int dllVestibular , int dllAssuntoGeral , int ddlAssuntosEspecificos , Vestibular vestibular)

    var questaoData = db.Questoes.Where(x => x.idVestibular == dllVestibular
                                        x.idAssuntoGeral == dllAssuntoGeral
                                        x.idAssuntoEspecifico == ddlAssuntosEspecificos
                                        x.idMateria == dllMateria

    return View(questaoData.ToList());
asked by anonymous 14.01.2018 / 20:28

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