I'm using a full screen slider on a page I'm creating, this slide uses the following JavaScript styles and functions
jQuery 3.2.1 :
var TIMEOUT = 6000;
var interval = setInterval(handleNext, TIMEOUT);
function handleNext() {
var $radios = $('input[class*="slide-radio"]');
var $activeRadio = $('input[class*="slide-radio"]:checked');
var currentIndex = $activeRadio.index();
var radiosLength = $radios.length;
.attr('checked', false);
if (currentIndex >= radiosLength - 1) {
.attr('checked', true);
} else {
.attr('checked', true);
I want to add the page to a toogle off-canvas menu that uses these JavaScript styles and functions
jQuery 2.2.4 :
$(window).load(function() {
$(".btn-nav").on("click tap", function() {
$(".nav-container").toggleClass("showNav hideNav").removeClass("hidden");
The two codes conflict when used together, I have tried to leave only one library and if one retreats, the other does not work.
I tried the method without conflict and it did not work, at least I could not get it to work.
Sorry for the naivety, I'm new to programming.
Can you help me?