Installment with accordion - Magento


Hello, I have a method of installment in a customer's shop, which uses the scroll down with jquery that opens a tab (tables with "Description", "Evaluation", "Installment", etc ...), and shows the table with the 12 parcels.

The site is a bit "ingenious" because a 12x or X% table on the product page is just below the price, and another one with the simulation of the 12 parcels using "onclick" with "scroll down".

However, there is a problem with this. This method works fine on the "Desktop" version, but does not work on mobile devices, it does not work open the table correctly.

What I would like, would be a method like this link: They use Jquery with accordion and dropdown, for me, would be perfect.

It could also be showing the table in "Pop up".

I even contacted the developer but he does not sell the plugin say they have to set up a whole store with them, this is out of the question, as I will not build a store because of a plugin. Yet another store that would have a huge job to optimize.


My method uses two parcel simulation systems, one that is visible on the product page and called by a "childphtml" and within that code, I call another static block (CMS) with the code below

<a href='javascript://' onclick="jQuery('li > a:contains(Parcel)')[0].click();var sc=jQuery('html, body');var ce=jQuery('#product-tabs');sc.animate({scrollTop:ce.offset().top-1},500);" >

Here's an example:

By clicking on "Simulate installments" you are directed to the "Installment" table below on the page, in the desktop version, is perfect, on the mobile, does not open the table correctly. So I thought of opening this block with an accordion dropdown as in the first link or pop up

asked by anonymous 30.01.2018 / 22:23

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