Fancybox - Refresh parent after closing


I'm using a Fancybox iframe where when the user confirms a question I want to update the contents of the original page after success in an ajax:

        type: 'POST',
        url: 'excluir_foto2.asp',
        data: {cod: cod},
        success: function () {

            parent.$("#Itemwookmark" + '<%=id_wookmark%>').fadeOut(1000, function () {
                parent.$("#Itemwookmark" + '<%=id_wookmark%>').remove();

But currently, to work, I had to put in to remove the item inside Wookmark, update Wookmark and only then call the .close () method to close the fancybox.

Is there any way I can close fancybox first and then remove the Wookmark item?

asked by anonymous 01.02.2018 / 13:40

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