How to insert multiple items in the cart and increment / decrease the price in jQuery


Good to everyone

I'm doing a shopping cart and want to add more items to the cart and update the total price.

The structure of the cart is made in a table. Will I have to generate more HTML to add more items? I'm only putting one item at a time into the cart because every time I click the add button, it's simply replaced with another instead of adding.

Here's my code:


<section id="is-shopContainer">
<article id="section-shop">
<h2>Online Shop</h2>
<p>Articles available.</p>      
    <p>Beach shoes.</p>
    <button data-shop-listing='{"name": "FlipFlops", "description": "FlipFlops", "price": 5.00}'>Add to cart</button>
    <p>Play it</p>
    <button data-shop-listing='{"name": "Raquet", "description": "Play the Raquet", "price": 12.99}'>Add to cart</button>
    <p>Raquet balls.</p>
    <button data-shop-listing='{"name": "Balls", "description": "Balls.", "price": 9.99}'>Add to cart</button>
    <p>A buoy</p>
    <button data-shop-listing='{"name": "Buoy", "description": "A buoy", "price": 5.50}'>Add to cart</button>
<article id="section-shoppingcart">
<h2>Your shopping cart</h2>
<p>&hellip;is empty.</p>
<form id="shoppingcart-form">
        <input type="number" min="1" value="1">
        <button type="button" aria-label="decrease">
        <button type="button" aria-label="step up">
      <td colspan="3">
            <label>Price before <abbr title="Value Added Tax">VAT</abbr>:</label>
            <label><abbr title="Value Added Tax">VAT</abbr> @ <strong>20</strong>%:</label>
            <label>Total to be paid:</label>
  <a href="#"></a> <button type="submit" form="shoppingcart-form">Proceed to Checkout</button>

and jQuery


//add items to cart           
 var itemData = $('#section-shop button').each(function(){
    var productName = $(this).data('shop-listing').name;
    var productDescription = $(this).data('shop-listing').description;
    var productPrice = $(this).data('shop-listing').price; 

$(this).on('click', function(product, description, price){                         
    $('#shoppingcart-form tbody tr td h3').text(productName);
    $('#shoppingcart-form tbody tr td p').text(productDescription);
    $('#shoppingcart-form output').text('€'+ productPrice);

//get input label to increase/decrease number
var inp = $('#shoppingcart-form tbody tr td:last-child input').val();
var inpVal = parseFloat(inp);  

var holdPrice = $('#shoppingcart-form tfoot ol li:first-child output');
var holdVat = $('#shoppingcart-form tfoot ol li:nth-child(2) output');
var holdTotal = $('#shoppingcart-form tfoot ol li:last-child output');

//increase/decrease price
var price = productPrice;

$('#shoppingcart-form table td span button:first-child').on('click', 
var qty = price / inpVal;

$('#shoppingcart-form table td span button:last-
 var qty = price * inpVal;

//print product price

//add and print VAT + product price
var VAT = 20/100 * price;
holdVat.text('€' + VAT.toFixed(2));

//Total Price with VAT
var total = VAT + price;

//print total price
holdTotal.text('€' + total.toFixed(2));    

//new price after item removed
 $('#shoppingcart-form table tbody div button').click(function(e) {
    $('#shoppingcart-form tbody tr td h3').empty();
    $('#shoppingcart-form tbody tr td p').empty();
    $('#shoppingcart-form output').empty();

//show/hide shopping cart when first item is choosen or is empty
var shoppingCart = $('#section-shoppingcart');

if(shoppingCart.has(itemData).length > 0) {
   $(this).css('opacity', 1);
} else {
   $(this).css('opacity', 0);

//Checkout button inactive
$('#shoppingcart-form footer button').on('click', function(e){
    $(this).attr('disabled', 'disabled').prop('disabled', 
true).css('opacity', '0.5');
   $(this).text('Sending your order');        
asked by anonymous 17.03.2018 / 01:33

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