In my site I have a profile page, when the user logs in he is redirected to the perfil.php
page, this login is done on the entrar.php
Then on the page I enter:
<?php include "controller/functions.php";?>
<?php include "controller/db_ss_user_entrar.php";?>
<?php include "view/doctype.php";?>
<?php include "view/head.php";?>
<?php include "view/header.php";?>
<div id="content">
<?php include "view/wrap_entrar.php";?>
<?php include "view/footer.php";?>
<script src=js/entrar.js></script>
The relevant login file is db_ss_user_entrar.php
. The part related to the session is indicated in the code below:
include 'db_conect.php';
$place_email = "Insira um email";
$place_senha = "Insira uma senha";*/
$email_place = "Insira um email";
$email_err = "";
$senha_place = "Insira uma senha";
$senha_err = "";
$error = 0;
{ $value_email = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $_POST['email']));
if(empty($_POST["email"]) ||
$value_email === "" ||
$value_email === "Email inválido" ||
{ $value_email = "Email inválido";
{ $value_email = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $_POST['email']));
$value_senha = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['senha']);
if(empty($_POST["senha"]) ||
{ $place_senha = "Senha inválida";
{ $value_senha = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $_POST['senha']);
if($error !== 0)
{ return false;
$sql = "SELECT input_nome,input_email,input_tel,input_senha,user_id,img_perfil FROM form_user WHERE input_email = '$value_email' AND input_senha = '$value_senha'";
$result = $con->query($sql);
$linha = $result->num_rows;
if($linha != 1)
{ $error++;
$value_email = "Email inválido";
$value_senha = "";
$place_senha = "Senha inválida";
return false;
}else //<-----------------Aqui começa o trecho relativo a sessão
{ $row = $result->fetch_object();
$_SESSION['ss_nome'] = $row->input_nome;
$_SESSION['ss_email'] = $row->input_email;
$_SESSION['ss_id_user'] = $row->user_id;
$_SESSION['ss_tel'] = $row->input_tel;
$_SESSION['ss_s_user'] = $row->input_senha;
if(($row->img_perfil) === "")
{ $_SESSION['ss_img_perfil'] = "img/icon_perfil_bluegrey.svg";
{ $_SESSION['ss_img_perfil'] = $row->img_perfil;
So far it goes all right the user is redirected to the profile page and giving a var_dump($_SESSION)
, I see that the session has the data I need.
The problem occurs on the profile page that has a link that allows the user to edit the profile:
<a href="editar-perfil" class="btn_fImob">Editar Perfil</a>
Then on page editar-perfil.php
I have the following code:
<?php include "controller/functions.php";?>
<?php include "controller/security.php";?>
<?php include "controller/db_select_user.php";?>
<?php include "view/doctype.php";?>
<?php include "view/head.php";?>
<?php include "view/header.php";?>
<div id="content">
<div id="content_perfil">
<?php include 'view/wrap_perfil_edit.php';?>
<?php include "view/footer.php";?>
The problem is that when you redirect from page perfil.php
to editar-perfil.php
, the session variable is null and automatically redirects to enter, the code that does this is from the file security.php
{ session_destroy();
unset ($_SESSION['ss_email']);
In other words, the session data is not being passed to the page editar-perfil.php
, and I do not understand why.