Search for names of all files in a folder?


I have a code made to fetch images but it's a bit more complicated than that.

    var p = 0;
    var r = 1;
    var val = $(this).val();
    var valor = $('#publi_not option[value="'+val+'"]').html();
    var n_pub = $('#publi_not option[value="'+val+'"]').data("numero")+1;
    var balance = $("#imagens_not").get(0).files.length;
    var pub_txt = $("#text_img").val();
    var pub = pub_txt;
        $(".images"+p+" .images_pub").html("<img src='pubs/"+valor+"/"+valor+r+".png' style='width:100%' /><div class='altera' style='margin-top:-20px;top:0;left:2px;position:absolute;color:white;'><small><small><small><b>"+pub+"</b></small></small></small></div>");

The code is executed when I change the value in select which will then add a div below depending on what is selected.

The problem is as follows. I recently created a table (because the former was based on tests) which has the names of the images but how do I display the files?

I thought of just reading the files from a folder with the name of the advertisement but even that I did not get it.

asked by anonymous 18.06.2018 / 12:16

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