I'm using widget gauger and would like to insert my own value
For example, the maximum value would be 200 and minimum 0
The value to set would be 175
How do I enter values in gauge?
How to understand this code?
function init_gauge() {
if ("undefined" != typeof Gauge) {
console.log("init_gauge [" + $(".gauge-chart").length + "]"), console.log("init_gauge");
var a = {
lines: 12,
angle: 0,
lineWidth: .4,
pointer: {
length: .75,
strokeWidth: .042,
color: "#1D212A"
limitMax: "false",
colorStart: "#1ABC9C",
colorStop: "#1ABC9C",
strokeColor: "#F0F3F3",
generateGradient: !0
if ($("#chart_gauge_01").length)
var b = document.getElementById("chart_gauge_01"),
c = new Gauge(b).setOptions(a);
if ($("#gauge-text").length &&
(c.maxValue = 6e3, c.animationSpeed = 32, c.set(1690), c.setTextField(document.getElementById("gauge-text"))),
var d = document.getElementById("chart_gauge_02"),
e = new Gauge(d).setOptions(a);
$("#gauge-text2").length && (e.maxValue = 9e3, e.animationSpeed = 32, e.set(2400), e.setTextField(document.getElementById("gauge-text2")))
What does this 6a3 mean? I've changed a few things, but I still do not understand this right code.