Debug - Discover the route of my rest http - Grails


I have a POST rest http call, where I get a file of my parameters and I am going to log in, I believe she is speaking because the route I'm setting is wrong, there is a missing bar, or the uppercase and lowercase letters . "* Login"

        def sf_login_domain = grailsApplication.config.crm.sf_login_domain
        log.debug "**  sf_login_domain: ${sf_login_domain}"
        def consumer_key = grailsApplication.config.crm.consumer_key
        log.debug "**  consumer_key: ${consumer_key}"
        def consumer_secret = grailsApplication.config.crm.consumer_secret
        log.debug "**  consumer_secret: ${consumer_secret}"
        def auth_username = grailsApplication.config.crm.auth_username
        log.debug "**  auth_username: ${auth_username}"
        def auth_password = grailsApplication.config.crm.auth_password
        log.debug "**  auth_password: ${auth_password}"
        def retornoLogin
        def access_token = ""
        def instance_domain = ""

        //Request Access_token and instance domain for work
        def http = new HTTPBuilder(sf_login_domain)
        def postBody = [
            grant_type: 'password',
            client_id: consumer_key,
            client_secret: consumer_secret,
            username: auth_username,
            password: auth_password
        try {
   path : 'EfetuarLogin',
                body : postBody,
                requestContentType: URLENC) { resp, json ->
                    access_token = json.access_token
                    instance_domain = json.instance_url + "/"
            //INSERIR AQUI MEU log.debug "rota ${variavel com a rota}"
            log.debug "**  access_token: ${access_token}, instance_domain: ${instance_domain}"
            coss.Parametro.executeUpdate("update Parametro p set p.valor='$access_token' where p.chave='ACCESS_TOKEN_SALES_FORCE'")
            coss.Parametro.executeUpdate("update Parametro p set p.valor='$instance_domain' where p.chave='INSTANCE_DOMAIN_SALES_FORCE'")
            retornoLogin = ['access_token':access_token, 'instance_domain':instance_domain]
        catch(Exception e){
            log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
            log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
        return retornoLogin

I know the route is set to what it contains in the variable sf_login_domain plus my path EfetuarLogin , to get something like , but I do not know if that's what's being mounted in my rest , does anyone know how I can verify this?

asked by anonymous 27.04.2018 / 15:21

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