I have a grails code for a POST-type REST call where I pass the login parameters and it was to receive the token and an access route, it is correct, both by Postman that I receive these parameters correctly, and by the code also after all , does not fall into catch for error handling.
The answer I get from Posman goes something like this:
This is the one excerpt from my grails code:
def http = new HTTPBuilder(sf_login_domain)
def postBody = [
grant_type: 'password',
client_id: consumer_key,
client_secret: consumer_secret,
username: auth_username,
password: auth_password
try {
http.post( path : 'EfetuarLogin', body : postBody, requestContentType: URLENC) {
resp, json ->
log.debug "** access_token: ${json.access_token}, instance_domain: ${json.instance_url}"
access_token = json.access_token
instance_domain = json.instance_url + "/"
retornoLogin = ['access_token':access_token, 'instance_domain':instance_domain]
catch(Exception e){
log.error "** Error code: ${e}"
log.error "** Post form: ${postBody}"
But my debug line log.debug "** access_token: ${json.access_token}, instance_domain: ${json.instance_url}"
, returns me the JSon parameter empty.
Can anyone point out to me what I'm doing wrong? If there is another way to do this call in grails, or am I getting the answer incorrectly?
I tried to debug by adding this line
log.debug "** resp: ${resp}, json: ${json}"
But in my log it came out:
** resp: groovyx.net.http.HttpResponseDecorator@20562d99, json: Object movedObject moved to here.
Does Agluem have any suggestions on how I can see the response of the variable resp
and json