TJson.ObjectToJsonString in class with variable TObjectListT


I have a class TEntrega , which in turn has a variable TObjectList<TItens>

I need to generate a JSON from this class to send to a webservice. For this, I used TJson.ObjectToJsonString(Self) . My result was as follows:

{ "itens": { "ownsObjects": true, "listHelper": [ 2 ], "items": [ { "cod_produto_erp": "315524", "descricao": "LUMINARIA FLUOR1X40W ABERTA", "unidade": "", "qtd": "1", "preco": "7.8", "subtotal": "7.8", "valor_icms_st": "", "ncm": "", "cst": "" }, { "cod_produto_erp": "425513", "descricao": "N\u00c3O LUMINARIA FLUOR40X1W FECHADA", "unidade": "", "qtd": "10", "preco": "8.7", "subtotal": "87.0", "valor_icms_st": "", "ncm": "", "cst": "" } ] } }

The ObjectToJsonString function has generated some extra fields, such as ownsObjects , listHelper , and items .

How can I generate a "clean" Json without these fields? Is there any option in REST.Json or REST.JsonReflect that can help me without writing a Json Generator from scratch?

asked by anonymous 04.05.2018 / 14:35

1 answer


I solved this case by replacing TObjectList<TItens> with array of TItens . In this way, Delphi does not attempt to serialize the properties of the TObjectList and generates a "clean" Json.

10.05.2018 / 19:37