the data of an XML file in VCLForms Application
works perfectly, whereas in MultiDevice Application
Error [dcc32 Error] Unit1.pas (56): E2029 '[' expected but '.' found
relative to AddChild
of line: NewTreeNode := TreeView1.Items.AddChild(TreeNode, NodeText);
. Remembering that I tested the same code in VCLForms Application
and it works perfectly.
procedure TForm1.DomToTree (XmlNode: IXMLNode; TreeNode: TTreeNode); var I: Integer; NewTreeNode: TTreeNode; NodeText: string; AttrNode: IXMLNode; begin // skip text nodes and other special cases if not (XmlNode.NodeType = ntElement) then Exit; // add the node itself NodeText := XmlNode.NodeName; if XmlNode.IsTextElement then NodeText := NodeText + ' = ' + XmlNode.NodeValue; NewTreeNode := TreeView1.Items.AddChild(TreeNode, NodeText); // add attributes for I := 0 to xmlNode.AttributeNodes.Count - 1 do begin AttrNode := xmlNode.AttributeNodes.Nodes[I]; TreeView1.Items.AddChild(NewTreeNode,'[' + AttrNode.NodeName + ' = "' + AttrNode.Text + '"]'); end; // add each child node if XmlNode.HasChildNodes then begin for I := 0 to xmlNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1 do DomToTree (xmlNode.ChildNodes.Nodes [I], NewTreeNode); end; end;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var XMLDocument1: IXMLDocument; begin XMLDocument1 := TXMLDocument.Create(nil); XMLDocument1.Active := False; XMLDocument1.LoadFromFile('C:\Users\EvertonBruno\Desktop\m.xml'); XMLDocument1.Active := True; Treeview1.Clear; DomToTree(XMLDocument1.DocumentElement, nil); end;