Questions tagged as 'treeview'


Cancel DoubleClick in TreeView

I'm using TreeView to control the permissions on my system, each operator has a profile that determines their minimum access, but it is possible to give more permissions to a particular operator, without having to create another profile e...
asked by 30.07.2015 / 19:57

Recover network-mapped disk drive volume name

I'm using DriveInfo.GetDrivers() to get the names of the disk drives present on the machine and list them in TreeView . I've made the code below that works, but the network disk names that my machine has access to do not appear,...
asked by 21.03.2016 / 17:50

Modify the indexes of each item in a TreeView Java FX or override method TreeView.getSelectionModel (). select (int index)?

Greetings to all. This is my first post here. I'm developing a Java FX project that consists of a form with a TreeView whose items are obtained from an ArrayList, previously populated through a query to the database. Thistablerepresentsah...
asked by 04.04.2018 / 04:51

How to update a TreeView of directories in C #

I have a TreeViewMS component (the one with Multiple Selection) listing the system directories on a Form. I created an event on the Form that when pressed F5, this TreeView will refresh (if some new directory on the system or not). It even...
asked by 25.04.2016 / 16:29

List directories and subdirectories

I have a TreeView component, and a structure in the database that already has in the directories subdirectories table. has a field called directive_parent_guid, if it is null it is because it is root, if not, it is some Id of another directory....
asked by 19.02.2015 / 15:52

How do I define a listStore to render a progress bar in gtk2?

I'm looking for an example to create a listStore (to use in a treeView) that can contain a field of type progress bar. I'm writing in C (not in c ++) and using gtk2 in my code: store=gtk_liststore_new(3,G_TYPE_STRING,G_TYPE_INT, G_TYPE?...
asked by 30.03.2017 / 00:29

Working with two treeviews and their items in WPF

I have two similar treeviews, but with different items, in the case, one of them brings a dialog in Portuguese while the other one should bring the same dialog in English. I have two text boxes, one to put the text in English another to put the...
asked by 01.06.2016 / 20:07

Hierarchical Tree View Dynamic C #

I have the following situation, my select returns me 3 micro (child), descr (descr child) and macro fields ) micro fields and macros are integers and can be any number not following standard (when I say default I mean micro 2 for example do...
asked by 10.03.2016 / 17:45

Edit XML through the Node of a TreeView WPF - C #

I'm having a question, I have a code that dynamically creates a TreeView through a C # code. TreeView was created in WPF. My goal is to create a function that opens a XML item and created a TreeView , and then it is possi...
asked by 25.08.2015 / 20:48

TreeView - Jtree (NetBeans) How to add a description to a selected node

I'm doing a simple treeview on NetBeans and would like to know how to add a description to a particular selected node, through a button that has a function that will associate with a lable. The code for the "> >" button which will i...
asked by 19.06.2015 / 21:33