Good afternoon
I'm using Delphi 7 with ZEOS.
I need to create a connection in RUN TIME.
I'm trying to use the following code
Connection : TZConnection;
Connection:= TZConnection.Create(Nil);
Connection.HostName:= '';
Connection.Database:= 'RMS';
Connection.Password:= '1111';
Connection.User:= 'root';
Connection.Port:= 3306;
Connection.Protocol:= 'mysql-4.1';
Connection.LoginPrompt:= False;
Connection.TransactIsolationLevel:= tiReadCommitted;
But for some reason the line
Connection.TransactIsolationLevel: = tiReadCommitted;
This is returning me the following error
[Error] Unit1.pas (719): Incompatible types: 'TZTransactIsolationLevel' and 'TTransIsolation'
My question is ..:
I have to declare something in USES to be able to SET the Connection.TransactIsolationLevel via programming or
via programming really not to set this property ??
At design time I can connect and change the above-mentioned property normally.
Hugs and thanks to everyone for the attention.