Hello, does anyone know how to use the jquery library "vanilla masker"?
I have some input fields that I want to mask this library for.
What I understood by reading the documentation on how to create "customs" masks,
var cpfMask = ['999.999.999-999']; < - this would be a variable that holds the mask
var cpf = document.querySelector ('# cpf'); This would be a variable that takes the html (in the case by the id) and saves it here
VMasker (cpf) .maskPattern (cpfMask [0]);
cpf.addEventListener ('input', inputHandler.bind (undefined, cpfMask, 14), false);
My question.
With the codepen, was not it supposed to be masking the input fields? What am I doing wrong? The CPF field is accepting one more character and breaks the mask when this occurs. The CNPJ field is not accepting the mask and accepts "unlimited" characters. Can anyone explain me the pq ??
NOTE: In my application with angularjs it does not run anything, in codepen it even masks some fields correctly. Does anyone know if this jquery library has some sort of conflict with angularjs ??