Upload file with jquery.uploadifive.js


Hello, I need a help in an application that I'm giving support, this application uses the jquery.uploadifive.js method in javascript that did so:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">

{"intIdGrupo" : <?php echo $objChamado->getIdGrupoDestino();?>,
"intIdAssunto" : <?php echo $objChamado->getIdAssunto();?>});

'uploadScript'  : 'xt_enviarArquivo.php',
'auto'              : true,
'multi'             : false,
'buttonText'   : 'SELECIONAR ARQUIVO',
'width'        : 170,
'onUploadComplete' : function(file, data) {

    'onCancel' : function(file) {
       var retorno = $.parseJSON(response);


And even though you are not uploading ... does anyone have examples using this js, to be able to attach? because today the attachment button is in flash.

asked by anonymous 13.08.2018 / 17:38

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