How to use an AND condition with CSS selectors?


Well, I'm using a CSS block in which I need to change an element, but this change depends on whether two other elements match a particular state; For example, to change .texto Change, the .texto1 element must be in focus, and the .texto2 element must be empty (or valid / invalid). PS: if I use it separately, type: #box form .text1: focus ~ .text Changeover {....}, okay, it works, as well as if I do: #box form .text2: empty ~ .text Change; or: #box form .text1: validation .texto Change. But how to join these two precedences (~)? That is, I want to use "~ .textChange" only when preceded by two selector conditions. I believe there is a way in CSS itself, and that should be simple, but I tried quite a few combinations and nothing. Thanks for the help.

Oops! beauty, follow codes: first style.css, then test.html

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

body {
  background-position: center;
  background-image: url("../IMAGENS/papel-de-parede-5.jpg");

#corpo-form div {
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  height: 55px;
  width: auto;
  margin: 10px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  font-size: 16pt;
  outline: none;
  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7);

#corpo-form form .text {
  height: 90%;
  position: absolute;
  padding-left: 5%;
  top: 5%;
  width: 100%;
  border-radius: 5px;
  font-size: 12pt;
  background: transparent;
  border: none;
  outline: none;

#corpo-form form .text:empty~.placehold {
  height: 90%;
  pointer-events: none;
  font-size: 25pt;
  position: absolute;
  left: 5%;
  top: 20%;
  color: rgba(0, 0, 0, .7);
  transition: .5s;

#corpo-form form .text:focus~.placehold {
  color: #ff265c;
  top: 3%;
  left: 2%;
  font-size: 10pt;
  transition: .5s;
  font-weight: bolder;

input[type=submit] {
  background-color: #20202f;
  color: #fff;
  cursor: pointer;
  border: none;
  width: 100%;
  height: 55px;
  border-radius: 5px;
  font-size: 16pt;
  outline: none;

input[type=submit]:hover {
  background-color: rgba(179, 134, 0, 0.8);
  color: #000;

#corpo-form h1,
#corpo-form-cad h1 {
  text-align: center;
  color: #ffffff;
  padding: 10px;
  font-size: 30pt;

#corpo-form a {
  margin: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  text-decoration: none;
  color: #ffffff;
  display: block;
  padding-bottom: 20px;

#corpo-form a:hover {
  text-decoration: underline;
  font-size: 14pt;

#corpo-form {
  width: 420;
  margin: 130px auto 0px auto;
  background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4);

#corpo-form-cad {
  width: 420;
  margin: 100px auto 0px auto;
<html lang="pt-br">
  <title>Projeto Login</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" href="CSS/estilo.css">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/funcoes.js"></script>
  <div id="corpo-form">
    <form method="POST">
        <input type="email" class="text text2" name="email" id="email" required>
        <label class="placehold" name="email_hold">Usuário</label>
        <input type="password" class="text" name="senha" id="senha" required>
        <label class="placehold" name="senha_hold">Senha</label>
      <div class="class_submit">
        <input type="submit" value="Acessar" onclick="valida_acesso()">
      <a href="cadastrar.php">Ainda nao é inscrito?<strong> Cadastre-se!</strong></a>
asked by anonymous 14.09.2018 / 19:32

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