Insert and total balance line by line in the same access table delphi


I have a single table in access bound to an ADOQuery and a DataSet with the following fields:

CodR    DataR   Descricao Receita   Qtde    Tipo/Nome   Valor Rec   CodD    DataD   Descricao Despesa   Valor Desp  Cod Data    Historico   Receita Despesa Saldo
Não tem PK nem FK por enquanto.

This table is called by 3 Forms Thus: Control Revenue, Control Expenses, and Balance Control, the data is entered automatically into the GRID of the Form Balance every time the Revenue and Expense Form is entered new record. But in the world of bits not everything is perfect everything working, but needs some adjustments, let's see:      


Thencamethecodecwithvaluezero,itshouldbe1,datealsorecordedwronganddidnotenterinthehistorical"Freight Recbto" could someone guide me how to solve this?

asked by anonymous 01.10.2018 / 01:13

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