Internet Explorer blocks javascript [closed]


I've set up a website and would like it to work in all browsers. But in IE, on all versions, it does not work as intended. I noticed that it was blocking my javascript and jquery codes with a message about activeX.  Where I work, for example, we use a standard skeleton for site layout, which makes it much easier. I leave a link from one of the following: link It normally runs jquery and all scripts. Now on the site that I made alone from the beginning, IE ends up blocking with ActiveX.

asked by anonymous 27.05.2014 / 04:18

1 answer


Perform the following steps.

Configuration - Internet Options - Security - Custom Level - ActiveX Control and plug-ins - Check the flags you want.

From the screen that you access on the way you have to go testing the settings. I hope that's for sure.

27.05.2014 / 04:42