To have a problem, in my controller when I have some entity with relationship it does not return the JSON, I already try to put the @JsonIgnore in the get of the references entity but nothing follows the code.

public class Consumer implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3474427923296664130L;

    private int id;

    private String address;

    private String city;

    private String cityUf;

    private int codePostal;

    private String complement;

    private int cpf;

    private Date dateCreated;

    private String name;

    private String phoneCell;

    private String phoneHome;

    private String phoneWork;

    private Set<Buy> buys = new HashSet<Buy>();

    private Status status;

//getters e setters

My Controller:

@RequestMapping(value = "/protected/users/consumers")
public class ConsumersController {

    private static final String DEFAULT_PAGE_DISPLAYED_TO_USER = "0";

    private ConsumerService consumerService;

    private MessageSource messageSource;

    private int maxResults;

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
    public ResponseEntity<?> listAll(@RequestParam int page, Locale locale) {
        return createListAllResponse(page, locale);

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public ModelAndView welcome() {
        return new ModelAndView("consumersList");

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = "application/json")
    public ResponseEntity<?> create(@ModelAttribute("consumer") Consumer consumer,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false) String searchFor,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DEFAULT_PAGE_DISPLAYED_TO_USER) int page,
                                    Locale locale) {

        if (isSearchActivated(searchFor)) {
            return search(searchFor, page, locale, "message.create.success");

        return createListAllResponse(page, locale, "message.create.success");

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, produces = "application/json")
    public ResponseEntity<?> update(@PathVariable("id") int consumerId,
                                    @RequestBody Consumer consumer,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false) String searchFor,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DEFAULT_PAGE_DISPLAYED_TO_USER) int page,
                                    Locale locale) {
        if (consumerId != consumer.getId()) {
            return new ResponseEntity<String>("Bad Request", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);


        if (isSearchActivated(searchFor)) {
            return search(searchFor, page, locale, "message.update.success");

        return createListAllResponse(page, locale, "message.update.success");

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{consumerId}", method = RequestMethod.DELETE, produces = "application/json")
    public ResponseEntity<?> delete(@PathVariable("consumerId") int consumerId,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false) String searchFor,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DEFAULT_PAGE_DISPLAYED_TO_USER) int page,
                                    Locale locale) {

        try {
        } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
            return new ResponseEntity<Object>(HttpStatus.FORBIDDEN);

        if (isSearchActivated(searchFor)) {
            return search(searchFor, page, locale, "message.delete.success");

        return createListAllResponse(page, locale, "message.delete.success");

    @RequestMapping(value = "/{name}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/json")
    public ResponseEntity<?> search(@PathVariable("name") String name,
                                    @RequestParam(required = false, defaultValue = DEFAULT_PAGE_DISPLAYED_TO_USER) int page,
                                    Locale locale) {
        return search(name, page, locale, null);

    private ResponseEntity<?> search(String name, int page, Locale locale, String actionMessageKey) {
        ConsumerListVO consumerListVO = consumerService.findByNameLike(page, maxResults, name);

        if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(actionMessageKey)) {
            addActionMessageToVO(consumerListVO, locale, actionMessageKey, null);

        Object[] args = {name};

        addSearchMessageToVO(consumerListVO, locale, "message.search.for.active", args);

        return new ResponseEntity<ConsumerListVO>(consumerListVO, HttpStatus.OK);

    private ConsumerListVO listAll(int page) {
        return consumerService.findAll(page, maxResults);

    private ResponseEntity<ConsumerListVO> returnListToUser(ConsumerListVO consumerList) {
        return new ResponseEntity<ConsumerListVO>(consumerList, HttpStatus.OK);

    private ResponseEntity<?> createListAllResponse(int page, Locale locale) {
        return createListAllResponse(page, locale, null);

    private ResponseEntity<?> createListAllResponse(int page, Locale locale, String messageKey) {
        ConsumerListVO consumerListVO = listAll(page);

        addActionMessageToVO(consumerListVO, locale, messageKey, null);

        return returnListToUser(consumerListVO);

    private ConsumerListVO addActionMessageToVO(ConsumerListVO consumerListVO, Locale locale, String actionMessageKey, Object[] args) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(actionMessageKey)) {
            return consumerListVO;

        consumerListVO.setActionMessage(messageSource.getMessage(actionMessageKey, args, null, locale));

        return consumerListVO;

    private ConsumerListVO addSearchMessageToVO(ConsumerListVO consumerListVO, Locale locale, String actionMessageKey, Object[] args) {
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(actionMessageKey)) {
            return consumerListVO;

        consumerListVO.setSearchMessage(messageSource.getMessage(actionMessageKey, args, null, locale));

        return consumerListVO;

    private boolean isSearchActivated(String searchFor) {
        return !StringUtils.isEmpty(searchFor);

My Vo

public class ConsumerListVO {

    private int pageCount;
    private long totalConsumers;    
    private String actionMessage;
    private String searchMessage;
    private List<Consumer> consumers;
    private String systemUser;
    private String status;

    public ConsumerListVO(int pageCount, long totalConsumers, List<Consumer> consumers) {
        this.pageCount = pageCount;
        this.totalConsumers = totalConsumers;
        this.consumers = consumers;


    public String getSystemUser() {
        return systemUser;

    public void setSystemUser(String systemUser) {
        this.systemUser = systemUser;

    public String getStatus() {
        return status;

    public void setStatus(String status) {
        this.status = status;

    public void setConsumers(List<Consumer> consumers) {
        this.consumers = consumers;

    public ConsumerListVO() {

asked by anonymous 01.09.2014 / 20:07

1 answer


Staff solved the problem,

Create a vo for each of my entities

public class ConsumerVo{

    private int id;
    private String address;
    private String city;
    private String cityUf;
    private int codePostal;
    private String complement;
    private int cpf;
    private Date dateCreated;
    private String name;
    private String phoneCell;
    private String phoneHome;
    private String phoneWork;
    private Status status;

...getters e setters

My ListVo

public class ConsumerListVO {

    private int pageCount;
    private long totalConsumers;    
    private String actionMessage;
    private String searchMessage;
    private List<ConsumerVo> consumers;
...getters e setters


11.09.2014 / 18:23