I would like to know how to open the makefile in windows. They sent me a file that contains the makefile, but I can not open it. I installed Cygwin to try to "run" the Makefile but it did not work (I opened the program and dragged the Makefile), it says that certain commands were not found. Thank you.
What is written in make:
# Makefile
CC = gcc
CPP = g++
# Use only one of the next two flags
DEBUG = -g
LIBS = -lm
OBJECTS = lsystem.o vartree.o gstack.o psinterface.o
EXECUTABLE = lsystem
.c.o: ; $(CC) -c $(ALLDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $*.c
.cpp.o: ; $(CPP) -c $(ALLDEFS) $(CFLAGS) $(INCPATH) -o $@ $*.cpp
lsystem.o: lsystem.h psinterface.h
vartree.o: vartree.h lsystem.h
gstack.o: gstack.h lsystem.h
psinterface.o: psinterface.h
clean :
rm -f *.o *.ln $(EXECUTABLE) *.exe *~ *.bak