Questions tagged as 'makefile'


Makefile: what is it, and what is the purpose?

I want to stop using IDE, and a friend advised me to use a Makefile for my programs, then: What is Makefile? What is your purpose?
asked by 21.09.2016 / 18:12

Pass arguments to the makefile

I have a folder with a number of LaTeX files: arquivo_001.tex arquivo_002.tex arquivo_003.tex arquivo_004.tex My idea is to write a makefile that allows me to do something like make 004 and it compiles only the arquivo_004.tex...
asked by 21.06.2014 / 07:14

How do I create a Makefile in C

I'm having trouble running the makefile. main: ex09.o funcao1.o gcc -c ex09.o funcao1.o -o main ex09.o: ex09.c gcc -c ex09.c funcao1.o: funcao1.c funcao1.h gcc -c funcao1.c clean: rm *.o One of the linker er...
asked by 01.10.2016 / 20:41

Creating file Makefile

I need to write a Makefile file, I've been able to set up something by searching, but I've tried to make it better for what I need, and I'm not getting it. What I'm trying to do: 1 - Check all .c or .cpp files if they have their equivalents ....
asked by 24.06.2017 / 09:01

Compile c ++ code with make

I'm trying to compile a project in C ++ using the following makefile code: OBJS = main.o src.o SDIR = ./src IDIR = ./include BDIR = ./bin/ ODIR = $(BDIR)/obj all: main %.o: $(SDIR)/%.cpp $(IDIR)/%.h g+...
asked by 27.12.2017 / 16:31

Activating virtualenv in Makefile

How do I enable virtualenv in Makefile? I tried venv: @virtualenv venv active: @source venv/bin/activate I've tried it too active: @. venv/bin/activate And nothing.     
asked by 21.11.2015 / 03:20

gcc is not found when the Makefile is executed by Travis-CI

I have a C project in GitHub and I'm trying to build it with Travis-CI, but the following error is always displayed: Using worker: $ export CC=gcc git.1 $ git clone --depth=50 --branch=someDevs...
asked by 15.02.2014 / 19:03

Run an .R file inside another code in R

I have a code that reads XML files that are in a corporate network folder, and generates a .RData file. I have other codes that generate different reports for the different sectors, based on RData . My problem is: these XML files ar...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 15:47

Makefile returning error "Missing Separator"

I'm trying to run a makefile that compiles programs in 'C'. TARGET=client server CC= gcc CFLAGS= -Wall -Wextra -g LDFLAGS = -lm -pthread -lncurses DEPS = util.h normal: $(TARGET) client: client.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) client.c -o client $(LD...
asked by 15.01.2018 / 14:00

What the command means: gfortran -c -03 $

Well, I'm trying to understand a program here that I'm using in my scientific initiation, but with a doubt in a make file. # makefile for code OBJ1 = main.o derivs.o filter.o code: $(OBJ1) gfortran $(OBJ1) -o prg .f.o: gfortran -c -O...
asked by 27.03.2017 / 19:40