Active section in div


How can I use the jquery trigger? I need the page to load and this first "li" is already pressed.

            <ul id="quote-popup-tabs">

               <li data-quote-tab-for="consorcio-auto">Automóvel</li>
               <li data-quote-tab-for="consorcio-moto">Moto</li>
               <li data-quote-tab-for="consorcio-casa">Imóvel</li>

asked by anonymous 25.07.2016 / 21:40

1 answer


This resolves brow:

$( '#quote-popup-tabs li:eq(0)' ).click();

If you want, you can put the functions123.js file in line 502, which is just after the function:

$( '#quote-popup-tabs li' ).click( function() {...
25.07.2016 / 22:23