View image (from web api) without extension in php [closed]


I'm accessing the web api spotify and extracting the images from the albums, the problem is that so far the code is static and to insert images quietly with the following method:

<style type='text/css'> 

    h1 {  background-image: url($img);
          width: 50%;
          height: 50%;
          margin: 2%;
          font-size: 0px;


But it is not possible to insert the image with the tag <img scr='$nome' ... > or <h1 style=' background-image: url($nome)'> (when I tried to insert with these two methods nothing was presented, not even in the log of php -S localhost:8000 ) and it would be complicated to insert with the method that it worked out when I was going to make it very dynamic, so would anyone have any tips / hints what I might be doing wrong so I can solve it?

After filtering on the api I get the following url (This code is what goes into the variable I used in the first example : $ img).

I searched the php site, site point , byte , w3schools , among others. nothing.

asked by anonymous 24.01.2017 / 05:27

1 answer


There is no problem in including the URL directly in the <img> element, the image in this case is just text, does not require any processing or rendering or use of any other library for image manipulation.

Making a CURL, as documented by Spotify:

curl -X GET "" -H "Accept: application/json"

Remembering that this can usually be done by using PHP CURL fault, see here. : / p>

$ch = curl_init('');
curl_setopt_array($ch, [
       'Accept: application/json'
$html = curl_exec($ch);

You will get this:

  "album_type" : "album",
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    "uri" : "spotify:artist:1Uk4IDpF1OIuTzANugS5JC"
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      "disc_number" : 1,
      "duration_ms" : 155625,
      "explicit" : false,
      "external_urls" : {
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      "href" : "",
      "id" : "7jbd4Pm2KB3v6IZYQPwYoL",
      "name" : "Break The Radiance",
      "preview_url" : "",
      "track_number" : 10,
      "type" : "track",
      "uri" : "spotify:track:7jbd4Pm2KB3v6IZYQPwYoL"
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    "limit" : 50,
    "next" : null,
    "offset" : 0,
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    "total" : 10
  "type" : "album",
  "uri" : "spotify:album:4P5nTTfGxuCGZDHzT9DPAh"

Making a% of% of this will give you the exact image of the album:

$array = json_decode($html, true);

$imagem = $array['images']['0']['url'];

In this way you can include json_decode anywhere, because it is just any text:

echo '<img src="'.$imagem.'" />';

You will want to do this:

<img src=""/>

Test this by clicking here.

24.01.2017 / 09:55