Hello. I'm having trouble transferring some Baseline Start, Baseline Finish, Actual Start, Current Finish dates from MSProject to a worksheet in excel. Here is the snippet of code.
Dim xlSheet As Excel.Worksheet
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim Prog As MSProject.Project
Dim Proj As MSProject.Application
Dim t As Task
Dim i As Long
For Each t In Prog.Tasks
i = i + 1
Set xlSheet = wb.Worksheets(6)
xlSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = Proj.GetCellInfo(7, i).Task.Name
xlSheet.Cells(i, 2).Value = Mid((Proj.GetCellInfo(10, i).Task.BaselineStart), 1, 11)
xlSheet.Cells(i, 3).Value = Mid((Proj.GetCellInfo(11, i).Task.BaselineFinish), 1 , 11)
xlSheet.Cells(i, 4).Value = Mid((Proj.GetCellInfo(12, i).Task.ActualStart), 1 , 11)
xlSheet.Cells(i, 5).Value = Mid((Proj.GetCellInfo(13, i).Task.ActualFinish), 1 , 11)
xlSheet.Cells(i, 6).Value = Proj.GetCellInfo(14, i).Task.ResourceNames
Next t
When I use the mid substring, it is to withdraw the times that come along with the date. But when this date is passed to the excel sheet, it comes in mm / dd / yyyy format. If I do not use the substring, the date comes in the format dd / mm / yyyy but with the hours.
When I do not use a substring, the date is passed like this 05/12/2016 08:00:00
When I use the Mid function, the value looks like this.
What could be causing this inversion in the format?