How do I open the numeric keypad in a formatted field?


I have a text field that receives the CPF, it has a CPF mask, but since it is a text field, in Mobile it does not open directly to that numeric keypad and when I change its type to number, it only writes the 3 first digits and erases everything when it arrives at the "." of the field formatting.

    <div class="form-separador">
        <input type="text"  class="input1"  id="cpf" name="cpf"
               placeholder="000.000.000-00" value="%%=v(@Cpf)=%%" required >

  $('#cpf').mask('000.000.000-00', {reverse: true});
asked by anonymous 16.05.2017 / 23:07

1 answer


Update the version of maskinput to version 1.4. Add type="tel" and remove the maxlength attribute from the entry or set it to a certain value so as not to interfere with the cursor action, such as 20.

Source: link

16.05.2017 / 23:12