Date parser in C


I was doing tests to do parsers of date and I made this example based on a program that formats through sscanf() with a constant string defined because I did not understand well where is the error:

#include <cstring>
#include <iostream>

int main()
   int day, year;
   char weekday[20], month[20], dtm[100];

     "\n\tDigite Dia Mes a ano em string"
     "\n\tex.(Saturday March 25 1989): "


   sscanf(dtm, "%s %s %d  %d", &weekday, &month, &day, &year);

   printf("%s %d, %d = %s\n", month, day, year, weekday);

   return 0;

   Saturday March 25 1989


  'l 0, 0 = Saturday 

where Output should be:

March 25 1989 Saturday     * /

asked by anonymous 25.07.2017 / 20:28

1 answer


This is not exactly a parse date, it is a string with 4 separations between spaces that in thesis the last 2 should be numbers, nothing more.

Actually the error is in the data entry. The default for scanf() is wrong.

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    int day, year;
    char weekday[20], month[20], dtm[100];
        "\n\tDigite Dia Mes a ano em string"
        "\n\tex.(Saturday March 25 1989): "
    scanf("%[^\n]s80", dtm);
    printf("%s\n", dtm);
    sscanf(dtm, "%s %s %d  %d", weekday, month, &day, &year);
    printf("%s %d, %d = %s\n", month, day, year, weekday);

See running on ideone , and Coding Ground . Also I put GitHub for future reference .

25.07.2017 / 21:48