Separate small strings from a giant string


Hello. I have to do a function to read a huge string and then break it down into small strings for each field. Each field would be separated by ; example:

BRUNNY;PR;MG;T;Câmara dos Deputados, Edifício Anexo;4;, gabinete nº;260;Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900;3215-5260;3215-2260;08;21;[email protected];BRUNNY;Exma. Senhora Deputada;BRUNIELE FERREIRA GOMES

What I thought so far was:

int i,a = 0; char str[1000];
scanf("%[^\n]s", str);
for(i = 0; i < strlen(str); i++)
   if (str[i] == ';')
    /** Essa parte eu não consegui pensar em como transferir a palavra encontrada para a sua variável. */
    a = i + 1;

I did not find a way to pass each word to your variable, since they would look like this: name, party, uf, address ....

asked by anonymous 13.09.2017 / 01:51

3 answers


The simplest solution would be to use the % c library function, which allows you to read word by word based on a separator.

My answer is in everything similar to the one in the documentation except that I created an array of strings to store the various values found. It would obviously be impractical to store the various values in single variables.


int i = 0;
char str[1000];
scanf("%[^\n]s", str);

//primeiro achar a quantidade de separadores para criar o array com o tamanho certo
char *letra = str;
int separadores = 0;

while (*letra != '
palavra = strtok(NULL, ";");
'){ if (*(letra++) == ';') separadores++; } char* palavras[separadores]; //criar o array de palavras interpretadas char *palavra = strtok(str, ";"); //achar a primeira palavra com strtok while (palavra != NULL){ //se já chegou ao fim devolve NULL palavras[i++] = palavra; //guardar a palavra corrente e avançar palavra = strtok(NULL, ";"); //achar a próxima palavra }

Notice the private call that is made to find the second and subsequent words:

char str[1000];
char strOriginal[1000]; 
strcpy(strOriginal, str); //copiar de str para strOriginal
//resto do código

You get the value strtok . This causes NULL to continue in the last search word, as indicated in the documentation:


Alternativelly, a null pointer may be specified, in which case the   function continues scanning a previous successful call to the   function ended.

It is also important to indicate that strtok changes the original string, so if you need to use it later in the code you should make a copy of it before finding the words. The most suitable function for this would be strtok :

int i = 0;
char str[1000];
scanf("%[^\n]s", str);

//primeiro achar a quantidade de separadores para criar o array com o tamanho certo
char *letra = str;
int separadores = 0;

while (*letra != '
palavra = strtok(NULL, ";");
'){ if (*(letra++) == ';') separadores++; } char* palavras[separadores]; //criar o array de palavras interpretadas char *palavra = strtok(str, ";"); //achar a primeira palavra com strtok while (palavra != NULL){ //se já chegou ao fim devolve NULL palavras[i++] = palavra; //guardar a palavra corrente e avançar palavra = strtok(NULL, ";"); //achar a próxima palavra }

Example working on Ideone

13.09.2017 / 02:28

I suggest you use the strtok() function to extract the tokens contained in the row and the functions malloc() , realloc() , strdup() and free() to allocate a completely dynamic list of strings.

Here is an example (tested) of the proposed idea:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

char ** strsplit( const char * src, const char * delim )
    char * pbuf = NULL;
    char * ptok = NULL;
    int count = 0;
    int srclen = 0;
    char ** pparr = NULL;

    srclen = strlen( src );

    pbuf = (char*) malloc( srclen + 1 );

    if( !pbuf )
        return NULL;

    strcpy( pbuf, src );

    ptok = strtok( pbuf, delim );

    while( ptok )
        pparr = (char**) realloc( pparr, (count+1) * sizeof(char*) );
        *(pparr + count) = strdup(ptok);

        ptok = strtok( NULL, delim );

    pparr = (char**) realloc( pparr, (count+1) * sizeof(char*) );
    *(pparr + count) = NULL;


    return pparr;

void strsplitfree( char ** strlist )
    int i = 0;

    while( strlist[i])
        free( strlist[i++] );

    free( strlist );

int main( int argc, char * argv[] )
    int i = 0;
    char ** pp = NULL;

    pp = strsplit( argv[1], ";" );

    while( pp[i] )
        printf("[%d] %s\n", i + 1, pp[i] );

    strsplitfree( pp );

    return 0;

Test # 1:

$ ./split "Alpha;Beta;Gamma;Delta;Epsilon"
[1] Alpha
[2] Beta
[3] Gamma
[4] Delta
[5] Epsilon

Test # 2:

$ ./split "Nome;Sexo;Data de Nascimento;Cidade de Nascimento;Estado Civil"
[1] Nome
[2] Sexo
[3] Data de Nascimento
[4] Cidade de Nascimento
[5] Estado Civil

Test # 3:

$ ./split "BRUNNY;PR;MG;T;Câmara dos Deputados, Edifício Anexo;4;, gabinete nº;260;Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900;3215-5260;3215-2260;08;21;[email protected];BRUNNY;Exma. Senhora Deputada;BRUNIELE FERREIRA GOMES"
[2] PR
[3] MG
[4] T
[5] Câmara dos Deputados, Edifício Anexo
[6] 4
[7] , gabinete nº
[8] 260
[9] Brasília - DF - CEP 70160-900
[10] 3215-5260
[11] 3215-2260
[12] 08
[13] 21
[14] [email protected]
[16] Exma. Senhora Deputada
13.09.2017 / 15:37

Make a regex by hitting "groups". See this link:


In C ++ it's more complicated, but other languages emphasize GROUPS in the regex. For example: ". ); (?. ) ..." and so on.

13.09.2017 / 02:00