OnChange does not load in jquery?


I have an application that has several nested select and I use the onchange() function for the selected select change the subsequent one, but I need to select the clicked content, but since it already has the on(change) function in js, this second does not work , my main class looks like this:

var selects = $("#table_com_parcelas select");
    var index = null;
    var valor = null;
    selects.on('change', function () {
        var valor = this.value;
        indice = selects.index(this);
        selects.each(function (index) {
            if (index > indice) {
    }); //pega o valor selecionado do select e seta os subsequentes com o mesmo valor.

and in select insert the following code,

<select id="select-1" onchange="sel(this.value)">/*options*/</select>

But it happens that it does not call the function sel(); I was told to use EventListener , the path is this same? or do I need to change how to call in select? Because onchange of select is subscribing to .js

var parcelas = 3;
var x = 1;

function insere_option() {
  var options = "";
  options += "<option value='1'>Boleto</option>";
  options += "<option value='2'>Cartão</option>";
  options += "<option value='3'>Cheque</option>";
  options += "<option value='4'>Dinheiro</option>";
  options += "<option value='5'>Transferência</option>";
  return options;

var selects = $("#table select");
var index = null;
var valor = null;
selects.on('change', function() {
  var valor = this.value;
  indice = selects.index(this);
  selects.each(function(index) {
    if (index > indice) {

function boletos(id){
    while (x <= parcelas) {
  $('#table tbody').append('<tr><td class="align">' + x + ' de ' + parcelas + '</td><td class="align">01/' + x + '/2017</td><td class="align">R$ 100,00</td><td class="align"><select id="select-' + x + '" onchange="boletos(this.id)">' + insere_option() + '</select></td></tr>');
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><tableid="table">
      <th>pago com</th>
asked by anonymous 15.09.2017 / 02:51

1 answer


Your script is working correctly. What is happening is that you are trying to set an event on elements that do not yet exist.


var selects = $("#table select");
var index = null;
var valor = null;
selects.on('change', function() {
  var valor = this.value;
  indice = selects.index(this);
  selects.each(function(index) {
    if (index > indice) {


while (x <= parcelas) {
  $('#table tbody').append('<tr><td class="align">' + x + ' de ' + parcelas + '</td><td class="align">01/' + x + '/2017</td><td class="align">R$ 100,00</td><td class="align"><select id="select-' + x + '" onchange="boletos(this.id)">' + insere_option() + '</select></td></tr>');

var parcelas = 3;
var x = 1;

function insere_option() {
  var options = "";
  options += "<option value='1'>Boleto</option>";
  options += "<option value='2'>Cartão</option>";
  options += "<option value='3'>Cheque</option>";
  options += "<option value='4'>Dinheiro</option>";
  options += "<option value='5'>Transferência</option>";
  return options;
function boletos(id){
while (x <= parcelas) {
  $('#table tbody').append('<tr><td class="align">' + x + ' de ' + parcelas + '</td><td class="align">01/' + x + '/2017</td><td class="align">R$ 100,00</td><td class="align"><select id="select-' + x + '" onchange="boletos(this.id)">' + insere_option() + '</select></td></tr>');

var selects = $("#table select");
var index = null;
var valor = null;
selects.on('change', function() {
  var valor = this.value;
  indice = selects.index(this);
  selects.each(function(index) {
    if (index > indice) {
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script><tableid="table">
      <th>pago com</th>
15.09.2017 / 02:59