why hgrup has been discontinued? some substitute in place? [duplicate]

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asked by anonymous 06.02.2018 / 12:14

1 answer


This subject has already been discussed in another question: link

On how to override, there is no other tag set for the same semantic function of hgroup , but you can use CSS combined with other tags to get a satisfactory result, see these examples and how to use subtitles: / p>

w3c.github.io - subheadings-subtitles-alternative-titles-and-taglines

www.techrepublic.com/ blog / web-designer / html5-hgroup-is-dead-what-you-need-to-know /

Just remember that depending on the combination of tags, or even using elements other than title tags ( H1 , H2 , etc) can change the way search engines treat your page (SEO) . Read more here: www.seomaster.com.br/blog/com-usar-as- heading-tags

06.02.2018 / 12:37