I'm getting "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing" after argument list "which accuses the line of the last closed parentage, this inside the callback of a jquery post. I tried to close anyway possible, and even then I get the error. I do not understand how these parentheses have to be closed.
$("#exchangers tbody").append(
$("<tr class='tr_row' id='tr_" + elPosition + "'>").css({cursor:'pointer'}).append(
$("<td id='td_" + elPosition + "'>").append($("<i id='io" + elPosition + "' onmousedown='shc(" + elPosition + ")' onclick='stopBubbling(event)' onmouseover=\"show_info(" + elPosition + ", '" + el.nome + "', '" + el.https + "', '" + el.moeda_from + "', '" + el.moeda_to + "', '" + el.idade + "', '" + el.url_redirect + "', '" + el.wmid + "', '" + el.pais_nome + "', '" + el.rank_from + "', '" + el.rank_to + "', '" + el.amount + "')\" onmouseout='shd(" + elPosition + ")'>").addClass('fa fa-info-circle io').html("")),
$("<td>").html('<a class="a_row" href="' + URL_SITE + '/click/' + el.exchange_rates + '.html" target="_blank">' + el.nome + '</a>'),
$("<td>").html(el.in + " " + el.from),
$("<td>").html(el.out + " " + el.to),
$("<td>").html(el.amount + " " + el.to),
$("<td class='a_comment text-center'>").append(
'<a class="a_row" style="width: 90px !important;" href="' + URL_SITE + '/exchangers/' + el.link_permanente + '.html">',
$('<span>').addClass('text-success').html(parseInt(el.reviews[0]["positivo"]) + parseInt(el.reviews[0]["comentario"]) + parseInt(el.reviews[0]["negativo"])),
Commenting the code in parts, I noticed that the error comes from here:
$("<tr class='tr_row' id='tr_" + elPosition + "'>").css({cursor:'pointer'}).append(
$("<td id='td_" + elPosition + "'>").append($("<i id='io" + elPosition + "' onmousedown='shc(" + elPosition + ")' onclick='stopBubbling(event)' onmouseover=\"show_info(" + elPosition + ", '" + el.nome + "', '" + el.https + "', '" + el.moeda_from + "', '" + el.moeda_to + "', '" + el.idade + "', '" + el.url_redirect + "', '" + el.wmid + "', '" + el.pais_nome + "', '" + el.rank_from + "', '" + el.rank_to + "', '" + el.amount + "')\" onmouseout='shd(" + elPosition + ")'>").addClass('fa fa-info-circle io').html(""))
Am I forgetting to escape something?